A 12-month membership of Trent Valley Mini Owners Club only costs £15.
If you are interested in joining Trent Valley MOC, you can download our membership form and return it to us at one of our meetings.
As representatives of the club, members should be aware that they are expected to:
· conduct themselves in a suitable manner whilst representing the club
· keep their vehicles in a roadworthy condition and suitably taxed, insured and certificated.
· bring any dispute to the attention of an elected committee member, if deemed necessary, in writing to the Club Leader. All disputes will be handled fairly and reasonably and will be discussed at the next available committee meeting. If the nature of the dispute is deemed to be of an urgent nature then a special committee meeting will be convened to deal with the situation.
Please remember, this is your club. Enjoy it, contribute to it, promote it as best you can, and have fun!